Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Heading north again our next stop for 2 nights was the really beautiful capital city of Slovenia, Ljubljana (Li-oob-li-ana). We had a bit of trouble finding the campground as by this stage had run off our Croatian roadmap so had no idea where the roads were going or what names constituted suburbs of Ljubljana or actual towns! As a consequence, the Ljubljana ring road that we thought we were on turned out to be the expressway north to Munich and we ended up about 30 km north of Ljubljana just before Bled (a town we recognised as we’d planned on staying there in a couple of days time!)! Don’t ask me how we managed to drive 30 km thinking we were on a ring road for a city of just over 200,000....!!! There’s no odometer on the car, ok! :)

Ljubljana has been billed as the next next Prague (after Krakow, Poland) and it’s a statement that’s very appropriate. In fact, we would describe it as something like a mixture of what we imagine Prague and Vienna with a very young population, making for a very vibrant and energetic atmosphere. We spent most of the day wandering around the city, having breakfast by the river, visiting the castle on the hill and generally just watching the people. After a break for dinner back at the campground we headed in again on the local bus to downtown for the evening which was fantastic as a music festival was on, as well as a slalom kayaking competition on the river.

View overlooking Ljubljana from the Castle.

Breakfast along the river front.

The old town streets - Ljubjana has a wonderful network of old cobbled streets, all pedestrian only.

Back in the evening and a music festival, including a stage in the main square.

Slalom kayak competition.

Dusk near the Town Hall.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos! Love the waterfalls and the little cobbled towns. Looks like an amazing trip, cant wait to hear more about it. Kap xx
