Sunday, June 19, 2011

Bay of Kotor, Montenegro

Our following day was spent on a full day trip to Montenegro. We left Dubrovnik early (before 7 am) as had read that the border between Croatia and Montenegro can take quite some time as it’s a reasonably popular trip from Dubrovnik. Actually there was no one there both times we crossed so very easy! We made our way into the long Bay of Kotor and drove along the shore front the whole way, stopping quite a few times to admire the impressive views of the steep fiord mountains and clear water. We got about half way around the head of the bay and coming into the town of Perast when we spotted a bakery (called pekara over here – we’ve developed quite a fondness for their breads and pastries!). Jumped out of the car ready to head over, euro! We had a whole roll of euros that had been in with our passports at the border crossing. Turns out Kate in the rush had stuffed them in her pocket and then forgot about it. Alas it was no longer in the pocket or anywhere in the car :( Dave decided it was worth driving back as it hadn’t taken us that long to drive around the coast as it was quite a lot of money. We drove right back to our first viewpoint stop outside the entrance to the fiord where the ferries cross. No money there. On to the next stop, then the 3rd stop, then the forth stop (did we really stop that much?!). Finally at the 5th stop Kate spotted the roll lying neatly on the ground undisturbed – amazing! Turns out that stop was quite near the bakery – we should have stopped there first!

After that little interlude the tour buses had started to catch up so we headed into the very quaint little seaside town of Perast with 5 tour buses. Fortunately the occupants all headed out to the little islands just offshore (the main attractions of this town) so we were able to wander along the town shore front relatively all to ourselves.
Dave in Perast.

Church in the town of Kotor.

Kotor itself is situated at the head of the fiord and has a magnificent walled fortress perched on the steep slopes behind a very pretty walled town. It was very busy by this stage so we wandered the town but then headed fairly quickly up the back and onto the walls and up to the fortress. It was the middle of the day by this point so got extremely hot – probably not the smartest thing to be doing in that heat but the breeze was cool up the top and the views were amazing. We had lunch under the shade of a tree just above the church then on to the very top where we got this view:

View from the fortress overlooking the town and Bay of Kotor.

To finish the day, we headed into the tunnel behind Kotor and through the other side back towards the main coast, then caught a car ferry back across to where we had first come in, then back through the border.

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