Thursday, July 7, 2011

Triglav National Park

Our next 2 days were spent exploring Triglav National Park and the Triglav 7 Lakes Valley hike. We got up early to a pretty awful rainy day and remembered we had forgotten to visit Vintgar (pronounced Veent-gar) Gorge, just out of Bled - something we had been planning to do and since it was rainy, seemed like the perfect thing to visit while we waited for the weather to clear. We'd been keeping an eye on the weather forecast and it was supposed to clear that night with good weather for the next couple of days.

Vintgar Gorge was beautiful - it's a really neat walk on a wooden boardwalk hugging the limestone gorge cliffs with some really amazing clear blue water and wonderful lush forest.

Beautiful Vintgar Gorge.

By the time we drove into Bohinj (Bo-heen) it was still raining quite a lot but after talking to the people in the tourist information we decided to book the hut for the night and head off on our hike with finger's crossed the weather would clear. As it was, the rain did stop it was just a bit damp and cloudy but not cold. It's supposed to take 3 hours 15 to reach the hut - we got there in about 2 hours 45 with a few stops for photographs and catching our breath. It's ridiculously steep! The first part takes you straight up the cliff-face about 700m of elevation climb - whew! Very cool forest though, especially with the swirling mist and we even saw 3 alpine ibex which we kept coming across at various stages up the valley.

The hut (Koca pri Triglavskih Jezerih) at Double Lake has double bed rooms and full board so we ate well even though it's really quite expensive! The next morning I got up early to take some photographs by the lakes - the clouds had all burnt off so it was a beautiful morning and we set of reasonably early to take advantage of that and get higher up the valley. We hiked all the way up to Prehodavci Hut at the very top of the valley, before turning round and walking all the way out back to the car - a good full days effort with amazing limestone alpine scenery and quite a bit of snow!

Dave in the mist.

Dinner in the hut - beer, macaroni, sauerkraut and kransky sausage!

A clear start to the day at Double Lake (Dvojno Jezero).
Stunning views from Prehodavci Hut.

Dave crossing through some snow.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos as always Kate! I love all the colours (-: We did the same walk as you, it's really great in there but I remember the walk up that cliff face! And I agree the huts are pricey, looked nice food though
