Friday, March 25, 2011

The Final Adventure

In 2009 we planned a 5 month trip through Europe that was going to be our big overseas experience before we settled in to life and work in Christchurch. We even bought our plane tickets! As fate would have it, as I neared the end of my PhD (in Geology) a full-time position became available in the department teaching all the practical components of our first year courses, leading some fieldtrips and dabbling in research. It was too good an opportunity for me not to put in an application! I'm now into my 3rd year as Senior Tutor at the University of Canterbury and though really loving it we were a bit disappointed not to end up doing the original trip we had planned.

The trips we have had since 2009 have been our enjoyable compromise, and although shorter and a more expensive way of doing it, we've really loved the opportunities to visit some different places! Japan 2009, Middle East 2010 and now, finally, Europe 2011. This is to be our last overseas trip for some time (apart maybe from visiting family in Oz!) due to other home-based plans :)

We leave in June for just over 3 weeks. Our plans are a one-way camping and hiking (and of course photographying!) trip from Dubrovnik (Croatia) through to Munich (Germany). Itinerary likely as follows:
Dubrovnik - Kotor - Mostar - Korcula - Split - Krka National Park - (Zadar/Pag) - Plitvice National Park - Skocjan Caves - Ljublijana - Logarska Dolina - Bled - Bohinj/Triglav - Soca River Valley - Vrsic Pass - Lienz - Zell am See - Werfen - Hallstatt - Salzburg - Munich.

The rest of Cairo & Dubai

Apologies for the delay on this last entry from our Middle Eastern trip - just never got back around to it with one thing and another!

Our final morning in Cairo also saw us head into the old Coptic Cairo district with some beautiful churches and quiet streets and markets.

The Hanging Church, Coptic Cairo

 Coptic Church

Leaving Cairo we flew to Dubai, arriving around midnight at the airport and needing a taxi to get us to our accommodation. The Taxi queue was one of the biggest queues we have ever seen! Took us about an hour to finally catch a taxi, but wow, what a difference from Egypt - metered taxis driven at a comfortable pace with seatbelts included! We spent 2 nights in Dubai, very relaxing and a nice way to finish the trip. Spent our full day first wandering down along the river, visiting the old Souk area and the amazing textile market, then across the river to the gold, silver and spice markets. The latter part of the day saw us in the district of Jumeriah, wandering the amazing souks, canals and resturants of the Medinat Jumeirah Hotel complex, watching the sun set on the beach beside the Burj Al-Arab Hotel, and dinner looking out over the water at the now lit up Burj Al-Arab and Medinat Jumeirah.

Kate wandering the old Souk district

 Dave alongside the River

 The Burj Al-Arab

The Burj Al-Arab and Medinat Jumeirah